Tooth Removal in North Ryde

At North Ryde Dentistry, our dental professionals practice conscious efforts for your oral health. That being said, we punctuate on the importance of Preventive Dentistry to all our patients.

We recommend having your dental cleaning every 6 months so your dentist Macquarie Park can identify and manage the early signs of dental problems such as tooth decay. When this is done, other dental concerns can be avoided and this includes tooth extraction.

Tooth extraction Sydney is the removal of tooth from its socket and this can be due to a number of reasons. Top on the list is extensive tooth decay.

However, tooth extraction is not the first treatment of choice. As our dentists stress the importance of natural teeth, exhausting all possible means to save the natural tooth structure will first be done.

However, if other procedures to save your tooth such as dental fillings or root canal therapy would no longer suffice to restore the tooth and allow it to carry out its normal functions, tooth extraction must be done to relieve pain and prevent further spread of tooth decay if there is any.

  • Extensive tooth decay
  • Severely fractured tooth from trauma
  • Dental infections that do not respond to root canal treatment
  • Gum disease causing mobile teeth
  • Orthodontic reasons such as crowded teeth
  • Impacted teeth as in with wisdom teeth

The Process of Tooth Extraction

Comprehensive dental check-up is necessary to evaluate the offending tooth and the surrounding areas of it. This allows our dentist to come up with a plan on how to proceed with the tooth extraction.

An x-ray will also be taken so the Macquarie Park dentist can check if the extraction will be simple or surgical.

Basically, simple extractions include visible teeth and numbing will only be through local anaesthesia. A more difficult case would be surgical and this is for teeth that are impacted or within the gums.

Our friendly dental team will discuss these possibilities to you prior to the tooth extraction.

Ensuring you are most comfortable and relaxed is important before proceeding. This minimises pain due to fear and stress and allows the extraction to go on smoothly.

A numbing cream will be applied on the area where the needle will penetrate then, local anaesthetics will be administered to numb the area.

When the anaesthesia has kicked in, your North Ryde dentist will then loosen the tooth from the socket to facilitate the removal. This prevents the tooth root from breaking apart from the crown. In this case, retrieval might be more difficult.

If needed, some amount of gum and bone removal may be done. But fear not, our highly capable dentists will make sure the entire procedure is painless. Forceps will then be used to pull out the tooth.

To help stop the bleeding, a gauze pad will be directly pressed on the open wound. Other cases would require suturing of gums in place.

This prevents food from lodging in the socket therefore reduces the chances for infection.

Your dentist will also instruct you to bite down a gauze to prevent bleeding and to allow a blood clot to form over the socket. The blood clot is filled with nutrients essential to better and faster healing of the wound.

Refrain from doing things to remove this blood clot such as sipping from a straw, playing your tongue against it, forcefully spitting, and vigorously brushing the area.

Knowing what to do and what not to do influences the recovery time for tooth extractions. Some of it includes:

  • Refrain from dislodging the blood clot on the wound
  • Rest and take the prescribed medication
  • Dietary restrictions should be strictly followed
  • Avoid strenuous activities
  • Practice good oral hygiene to encourage wound healing
  • Apply cold compress on swollen cheeks if there is any

Several factors would determine the rate of recovery. This includes the span of affected area wherein extraction of the front teeth usually feels better quicker as opposed to molars, patient’s discipline in following the dentist’s directives, and other systematic factors.

More often than not, simple extractions take a good 3 to 4 days for recovery.

With a tooth removed, it is also important to discuss with your dentist the possible replacement for it. Adjacent and opposing teeth will shift towards the space and over time, this may cause problems such as teeth spacing.

Bridges, dentures, and dental implants will then come into play to avoid such situations.

Tooth Removal in Macquarie ParkSometimes it is necessary to remove teeth that are no longer able to be repaired or fixed. Here at North Ryde Dentistry we take the utmost care in tooth removal to ensure it is done as quickly and painlessly as possible. Employing the most up to date techniques ensure a speedy extraction and short recovery time.

We understand that extractions, or any dental procedure for that matter can be an anxious time for our patients. Here at North Ryde Dentistry we offer a range of relaxing methods ranging from soothing music, television and nitrous oxide (happy gas). In addition to this, we are able to prescribe anti anxiety medication when required.

Visit us at North Ryde Dentistry for a consultation. We guarantee a safe, painless, and relaxed experience for you as you journey towards better oral health.




North Ryde Station to North Ryde Dentistry is only about 4 minute drive. Head west on Delhi Rd/A38 and turn right to merge onto M2 toward Epping/Hills District then take the Talavera Rd exit toward Macquarie Park. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Talavera Rd and there you will be able to locate us on the left.


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